Self-Registration Process for New Customer

(Using account number)

Midland Bank has introduced self-registration process for the customer using account number. Customer who has only prepaid or credit card, please visit here for the user guide. To register in midland online, customer needs to follow steps, as follows:

Step 1: Start Registration

To register in midland online using account number, customer should visit midland bank ibanking or download “midland online” app from Google Play Store or Apple Store.

  • Once downloaded customer should find this screen upon opening of the app
  • Customer should select “Register using Savings Account”.
  • Upon clicking on “Register using Savings Account” this screen should be appeared to start registration.

Step 2: Verify Account Information and Mobile Number

Once clicking on the “Start” of self-registration, as shown above, customer should follow this steps to go ahead toward registration process.

  • Customer needs to input some relevant information like Account Number, mobile number and email id lying with the Account for our verification, as shown in below screen.
  • Please click on verify button after giving information.
  • Customer should find a OTP in his/her registered mobile no. once the given information has been successfully validated, as follows.
  • Please input the OTP and click on verify button. If you did not receive OTP, please click Re-send to generated OTP again..
  • Customer should receive an error notification on the screen, if given information can not be validated.

Step 3: Set Password

Customer will be asked to set his/her password once his/her Account information and mobile number has been verified successfully. Customer should follow Password complexity to prepare his/her password that should be used to logging in midland online after completion of the registration. Please go through the password complexity before setting up your password.

  • Password must be within 8 and 20 characters.
  • It must contain at least 1 lowercase letter( a – z )
  • 1 capital letter ( A – Z )
  • 1 symbolic character (! @ # $ % * : ; | ~ )
  • 1 numeric character ( 0 – 9 )
  • It must not contain customer login id/email address.
  • If any customer do not know his/her Customer Id, Please contact our 24/7 Contact Centre for the required Customer Id.
  • Please input your desired password and submit to set your password.
  • Customer request should be executed successfully once password complexity has been maintained, otherwise he/she should be requested to follow password complexity.
  • If password has been submitted successfully this message will be appeared, and a confirmation/activation link/URL will be sent to customer email for activation and complete the registration.

Step 4: Complete Registration

Customer should visit his/her email to complete his/her registration.

  • Customer should click on “Click Here” of the email to activate his request.
  • Customer request should be executed successfully once password complexity has been maintained, otherwise he/she should be requested to follow password complexity.
  • Once click on “Click Here” this screen should be appeared.
  • Customer should provide password again which has been setup earlier and also should click on activate button to complete registration.
  • If the given password matched with earlier setup password this successful screen should be appeared.
  • Once the registration has been completed, customer should enjoy features of midland online.

**If a customer tried to login before email activation, he/she should be failed to logging in and should receive an error message “Invalid request”