MDB e-Saver Account, a paperless savings account that is made to facilitate the customers to open this account from any branch, sub branch and agent banking center of MDB. The product is designed in such a way that the customers can open the account using only NID card. MDB e-Saver Account holder will also be able to avail all the hassle-free digital services like SMS alert of any transaction to mobile phone, monthly e-statement and online fund transfer through BEFTN, NPSB, RTGS, bKASH without wasting time. Under the e-KYC guideline of Bangladesh bank, MDB e-Saver Account is going to be the most user-friendly, affordable & smart account in today’s banking industry.
Title | Details |
Eligibility |
Availability |
A/C Type |
Select one of the below two categories of MDB e-Saver a/c based on your monthly transaction pattern:
Minimum initial deposit amount |
Interest Calculation |
Interest Accrual & Payment |
Key Benefits |
Joint Applicant Option |
Debit Card |
Cheque Book |
Account Maintenance Fee | |
Account Closure Fee | |
Tax, Excise Duty & VAT |
Required document |
Introducer's Eligibility |