Midland Bank has established its own Anti-Money Laundering Division from the very inception of starting its journey at its Head Office currently headed by the Deputy Managing Director who acts as the CAMLCO of the Bank.
It is the primary responsibility of the Division to ensure and enforce all corporate-wide Anti-Money Laundering, Know Your Customer, Customer Acceptance Policy, Trade Base Money Laundering Policy and Anti-Terrorist Financing Policies, and all other Procedures related to ML & TF as well as Money Laundering Rules and Anti-Terrorism Rules.
Midland Bank, through its AMLD, is fully compliant with the government’s AML and ATF legislations, Central Bank’s Prudential Guidelines and also international directives, e.g., FATF Recommendations, USA Patriot Act etc.
To Download a Copy of MDB’s Bank’s AML Compliance Information, please click on the following links;