Midland Bank Limited (MDB) launched Visa branded EMV Chip Cards. On this occasion, Mr. Md. Ahsan-uz Zaman, Managing Director & CEO of the Bank inaugurated the new cards along with Mr. Khondoker Nayeemul Kabir, Deputy Managing Director, and other high officials of the Bank through a simple ceremony, held on 07 March 2017 at the Head Office of the Bank in Gulshan, Dhaka.
The Bank introduced EMV Chip Cards namely, MDB Visa Platinum, MDB Visa Gold, MDB Visa Prepaid and MDB Visa Debit Card, which have an extra layer of security and is compliant with the latest antifraud precautions applied worldwide.
As chief guest, the Managing Director explained in detail the features of the new cards launched. He expressed, the Bank's endeavor will continue in bringing more friendly, customized and attractive products for a better and secure client experience.
Md. Zahid Hossain, Head of Corporate Banking, Mohammad Iqbal, Head of EC&SP, Manirul Islam, Head of CRM, Md. Ridwanul Hoque, Head of Retail Distribution, Mostafizur Rahman, Head of Cards were also present along with other high officials of the Bank in the programme.