Mrs. Nilufer Zafarullah, M. P. has been elected the Chairman and Master Abul Kashem has been elected the Vice Chairman of Midland Bank Limited. The Board of Directors in its 76th meeting held on 13th September 2018 elected the new Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Bank.
Mrs. Nilufer Zafarullah, was the Vice Chairman of Midland Bank Ltd since 2013. She is an Honorable Member of 10th Parliament of People’s Republic of Bangladesh. An Architect by profession, Mrs. Zafarullah has contributed to education and development for over 25 years. She is renowned for her humanitarian effort. She is a member of the Board of Trustees of Independent University Bangladesh (IUB) and Chittagong Independent University (CIU). She is a Director of Hong Kong Shanghai Manjala Textiles Ltd. and Donor Trustee of Begum Zebunnesa & Kazi Mahabubullah Jono Kallyan Trust. As a life member of Zonta International, a worldwide Organization for executives in the business profession, Mrs. Nilufer Zafarullah provided her services to improve legal, political, economics, health and professional status of woman at the global and local levels. Her leadership competence was evident when she served Zonta International District 25 comprising of Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Srilanka Area 02 as Director and District 25 as Lt. Governor from 1994-96 and 2006-08 respectively. As MP, she also served as the Chairman of the Parliamentary Standing Committee for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Bangladesh from 2012-13, in the ninth Parliament.
Master Abul Kashem is a Sponsor Director of Midland Bank Limited. He has over 26 years of experience in the Iron& Steel industry. He was the highest tax payer in Chittagong District for four times – three consecutive years – 2009, 2010 & 2011 and recently for the year of 2016. He is a member of the Chittagong Seniors’ Club Limited, a life member of Sitakunda Samity Chittagong and Chittagong Maa-O-Shishu Hospital and also a member of Sitakunda Community Police Committee. He is an Ex-member of the Executive Committee of Bangladesh Ship Breakers and Recyclers Association, Ex-President of Shitalpur High School and Shitalpur Gouchia Madrasha, Shitakunda, Chittagong. He is also the Managing Director of Mother Steel Ltd, Proprietor of MAK Corporation and Master Steel Re-Rolling Mills and Shareholder of AIBL Capital Market Services Ltd.