Midland Bank Limited (MDB) started offering Shariah based Islamic Banking from its Gulshan Branch’s Islami Banking window through a ceremony held at the Bank’s Head Office in Dhaka on 23 April 2020. The Bank named its Islami Banking platform “Midland Bank Saalam”. Mrs. Nilufer Zafarullah, Honourable Chairperson of the Bank formally launched the service at the beginning of the Board of Directors meeting held through video conferencing. Through this new offering, customers can avail all Shariah banking products through its Islami Banking Window and avail the service from any of its branches including the Bank’s digital channels. Chairman of the Bank’s Shariah Supervisory Council Professor Dr. Muhammad Abul Kalam Azad, members Dr. Muhammad Nazrul Islam Al-maruf and Mr. N K A Mobin FCA, FCS, members of the Board of Directors of the Bank, Managing Director and CEO Md. Ahsan uz Zaman, Additional Managing Director Mohammad Masoom also attended the programme. While speaking at the programme, Mrs. Nilufer Zafarullah said, “Now-a-day’s Islamic Banking plays an important role in the economy.” She hoped that the Bank’s Islamic Banking platform will provide state- of-the-art Shariah Banking services.
Chairman of Shariah Board of Islamic Banking Professor Dr. Muhammad Abul Kalam Azad said, customers can avail technology based services from the Islamic Banking platform of the Bank. MD & CEO of the Bank Md. Ahsan-uz Zaman said, the Bank will strictly follow the requirements of Shariah Banking as stipulated by Bangladesh Bank. He mentioned that the main goal of the Bank’s Islamic Banking Window is to cater to the needs of the customers who want to do their banking under Shariah requirements. Senior Management of the Bank’s Islami Banking Division also attended the ceremony.