Select your Deposit Options

Monthly Savings Schemes (MSS)

Fixed Deposit (FD)

Apply Using Midland Bank Internet Banking

For details, please visit www.midlandbankbd.net  or call our 24/7 contact centre at 16596

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T & C of MSS are as follows:

  • Account should be opened on the same day, if the request is submitted within 04:00 PM. If you apply after 4.00 PM, then Account will be booked in the next working day.
  • You can view the details of your SMS upon opening of the account, if request submitted within 04:00 PM.
  • MSS beneficiary name would be the same as respective account name.
  • Nominee of MSS would be same as respective account. To change existing nominee, please visit your account bearing branch.
  • Maturity date should be calculated from the date of opening of the account.
  • MSS opening acknowledgement will be generated and also will be communicated through an e-mail. You are cordially requested to preserve it.
  • At the time of premature encashment, penal rate of interest will be applied as decided by the management from time to time. Before the maturity of 1 Year, if placed for encashment then no profit will be given.
  • During Holiday, Account opening value date will be considered from as the Next working day.
  • Account must have sufficient balance to complete the MSS Account opening process and Account will be debited by the defined amount of the client.
  • For any query, you are requested to communicate with the account bearing branch.
Midland Onlinebank EDM

T & C of FD are as follows:

  • Account to be opened on the same day, if request is submitted within 04:00 PM. If you apply after 4.00 PM, then Account will be booked in the next working day.
  • You can view the details of your FD upon opening of the account, if request submitted within 04:00 PM
  • FD beneficiary name would be the same as respective account name.
  • FD will be automatically renewed at the end of Tenor and prevailing rate of interest at that time will be applied. Renewal instruction will be as such:
    1. Renew Principal with interest
    2. Renew Principal only and interest will be transferred to CASA Account
  • Fixed Deposit beneficiary name would be the same as respective account name.
  • Nominee of Fixed Deposit (FD) would be same as respective account. To change existing nominee, please visit your account bearing branch.
  • Matured date should be from the account opening date of FD
  • FD opening acknowledgement will be generated and also sent to customer through an E-mail. You are cordially requested to preserve it.
  • At the time of premature encashment, penal rate of interest will be applied as decided by the management from time to time. Before the maturity of 1 Month, if placed for encashment then no profit will be given.
  • During Holiday, Account opening value date will be considered from as the Next working day.
  • Account must have sufficient balance to complete the FD Account opening process and Account will be debited by the defined amount of the client.
  • For any query, you are requested to communicate with the account bearing branch.