MDB Jhotpot
Life is easy with “midland online”. No more waiting in line or filling-in forms at the bank, just grab your phone, download “midland online” app or visit our website to open Midland e-Saver savings account instantly.
• Any Bangladeshi Citizen with valid NID (National ID Card)
Easy steps to follow
- Install ‘midland online’ (mobile app) from Google Play Store/App store.
- Select a deposit product from the list:
- MDB e-Saver (conventional savings account).
- MDB Saalam e-Saver (Islami Mudaraba account).
- Take Photo of your NID card (both front and back side).
- Take your selfie photo for face matching.
- Upload nominee photo ID, nominee photo, and provide nominee information.
- Take photo/Upload of your Income Source Document (*If monthly transaction limit above BDT 1,00,000).
- Take photo/Upload specimen signature.